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  Supplementary chapters

As software engineering has developed, I have deliberately deleted chapters that were included in previous editions of the book from the current edition. Sometimes this reflects changes in practice, sometimes it has been in response to comments from readers and sometimes it simply reflects my own changing interests in the subject.

I appreciate that some users of earlier editions may make use of these chapters and I think it is important to maintain upward compatibility between editions. Consequently, I have made versions of these deleted chapters available here.

Chapters deleted from 5th edition

Ch. 9. Algebraic specification
Ch. 10. Model-based specification
Ch. 14. Function-oriented design

Chapters deleted from 6th edition

Ch. 26. Legacy systems
Ch. 27. Software change
Ch. 28. Software reengineering

Additional material

Extended glossary


The material here has been included for its instructional value. Neither the author nor Pearson Education Ltd offer any warranties or representations in respect of its fitness for a particular purpose. No liability is accepted by either the author or the publisher for any loss or damage arising from its use.  The dynamic nature of the web means that it cannot be guaranteed that all links will work. Please let me know of problems and (if possible) I will try and fix them.