Sample chapters
Electronic supplements
Case studies
Further reading
Instructors only
SE7 Web

In this section, I include suggestions of articles and books that I didn't have room to recommend in the text of the book or that appeared after the 7th or 8th edition went to press here. I also include links to web sites that are referenced in the book or that provide additional further reading. I have been selective and have deliberately avoided including hundreds of low-quality links. My policy on suggesting material for further reading is summarised here.

The suggested further reading is organised by the different parts of the book. Suggestions for the first 6 parts take you to the corresponding pages in the 7th edition web site.

  Management Emergent Technologies

I generally avoid including reading which is in hard-to-access conference proceedings or obscure journals. Therefore, most papers that I recommend are published in ACM or IEEE magazines.Papers published in ACM and IEEE magazines, journals and conferences are available from the respective digital libraries. .

Papers from these sources are not free but are available to subscribers or for payment of an article fee. You can sometimes access previous versions on the author's web sites - I suggest using Google scholar to find these and related papers.

The material here has been included for its instructional value. Neither the author nor Pearson Education Ltd offer any warranties or representations in respect of its fitness for a particular purpose. No liability is accepted by either the author or the publisher for any loss or damage arising from its use.  The dynamic nature of the web means that it cannot be guaranteed that all links will work. Please let me know of problems and (if possible) I will try and fix them.